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Please Donate to Swogun Nepal

Income-generating program for deprived Nepalese women

Swogun Nepal strongly believes in providing direct training to needy people.
Sewing and cutting, weaving, handicraft, etc. - allows those in need to then generate business and income for themselves by providing ways to work through the skills we teach. They can then train others with these same skills, allowing entire communities to live more comfortably and self-sufficiently.

Donors for Local Community Training volunteer-nepal

SWOGUN's program is called "Training Communities".

Through the efforts of volunteers, sponsors and international donors, "Training Communities" has been running in remote areas of Nepal for the past few years, and with great success.

If you would like to support this important program please donate online

SWOGUN ensures that the community takes best advantage of the opportunity of having local training via our volunteer programs.

help women nepal helping volunteers nepal
See more details about our sewing and cutting project
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