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  • Our associate site www.swogun.org.np is accessible to anyone worldwide. To enter and use our services is subject to the terms and conditions of the user agreement and copyright and trademark are under relevant laws and regulations. Acceptance is required for entrance and services, without any limitation and qualification. We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time. The changes will be updated on our page and all users are required to accept any changes.

  • Content within this site, such as logo, text, pictures, buttons, and clips are swogun's property. The software used on this site is Swogun's own property and it is protected by the law of the Nepal Government. Any other uses including the reproduction, modification, distribution, replication, transmission, re-publication or display of the content on this site is strictly prohibited without written permission. Users are allowed to post comments, forms etc. on our site but we reserve the right to move or delete the content of these postings. Users are strictly prohibited from posting any kind of negative, pornographic or any other morally wrong material that may cause violence or harm on www.swogun.org.np In the event this happens, we immediately delete the user's posting.

  • Any communication material you post to the site will be treated as non-confidential. You may submit as you wish for posting on the site www.swogun.org.np but we reserve our right to edit, publish or reject all submissions. If you agree to use these services, you can submit postings on our DISCUSSION FORUM or related service page. We are providing some useful links in our site to make it easier and more informative to visitors, but we are not responsible for their privacy policies or their services. You should ask their privacy policy as it may be different from that of swogun's.

  • To process volunteer service confirmation, we will need user's name, contact address, including email. We use this information to confirm your volunteer service and to process traveling site and accommodation. In case any questions arise about the sites and accommodation process we will contact you through Email, Fax or Telephone. We may share users' information with the related government offices and house owner. Otherwise, information will remain confidential with us.

  • You completely understand and agree to our USER AGREEMENT and the use of our services. All services are compliant with Nepal Government law, rules and regulations. We strongly request our users to read terms of service before process.
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